Flight Videos



From Driveway to Runway
N26XY executing the option at Wing South
High Speed Low Pass
Landing at FA 37, Wing South private Airport in Naples for the first time
T Storm over Jacksonville
Homebuilt Review Fly-By
Homebuilt Review Flyby Oshkosh outside view 2014
Upset Training with Ernie
N26XY Flyby 2 at OXC 2010
N26XY executing missed approach at OXC Safety Day 2012
Flight to EAA Oshkosh 2014 Airshow - Arrival at Wood County Airport 1G0
Flight to EAA Oshkosh 2014 Airshow - Flying under the Chicago Class B Airspace
Flight to EAA Oshkosh 2014 Airshow - Arrival at Oshkosh 2014
Naples Tower Flyby with Dee